What is this Right and Wrong? Where lies the origin of these words?
When do we say something is right ? or something is wrong? On what basis?
If some terrorist kills somebody or some mass of people, we can simple say that it is wrong. But again, as far as he is concerned, he has his own reasons for doing it and he says its right! Are we to accept this?
We framed Rules and Laws, Courts of Justice, Bar councils with Lawyers to argue for what is right and wrong.. Who framed these initial rules? These initial laws? On what basis?
One thing is clear! If all rules and laws are framed such that everyone accepts it, no terrorists would have come into place. Which means, there might be someone or some people all the time who will feel that the "general right thing" is "wrong". Or the "general wrong thing" is right. Which means there can be no "Universal right thing"??
- In every day life, are we all doing right things?
- How many people feel that what we do is wrong?
- Are we to decide about right and wrong based on how many people accept it?
- What if many people are wrong? Like many people thought Earth was flat! They hit him with stones when he said its round! Are we to loose our ideas then?
Why should you not have something in your mind which you strongly feel as right? Whats wrong with that?
Nothing! There is nothing wrong with that. Provided, that does not hurt anyone.
Now.. If someone gets hurt unnecessarily? I mean, they are so weak or expect too much and get hurt??
I cant help it! I am not responsible for anyone!!
So.. what is the line? where is the line of discretion? How much should you think about hurting and not hurting others? How much should you think about how many are accepting your ideas?
Its difficult. But, if you are leading a conscious life (BTW, whats this conscious life?) , I think it could be easier..
Without intentionally hurting anyone, we can go ahead with our ideas if we feel they are right for us, for that situation.
Yes. Situation! Right and Wrong continuously vary w.r.t Time, Place, People, Culture, Generation, Situation.. What say?
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