I am not a disbeliever of God. I do believe in God's existence. But what I disagree is God coming into someone (especially who does lots of Pooja) and God speaking through that someone to others, blessing others through that someone, etc., etc.,.
At times, I feel like laughing at them. Some of these people are actually innocent and some, are really dangerous!! Some do it believing that the God actually comes into them.. Some do it to make others believe, that they are God.
But what ever it i

Think about it.. God is Omni-present! He is everywhere. You can feel him through the smile of an innocent child.. through the touch of the flowers.. through the sight of a pure due drop.. You can feel him through the kindness and love of another fellow being. Its so simple! He is everywhere around us.. Then why would he go to someone in particular????
Nobody is special to God! Everyone is equal to God. In fact many say we are all kids to God. Then why favoritism? Why would God choose only few of his children to communicate to the others??
I feel there should be something else going on behind this!
Observe carefully when these people are saying that they are possessed by God. When they are helpless? extremely angry? extremely sorrow? some kind of extreme emotions?
Or, after doing some Pooja? After performing some meditation?
I think it happens like this - when some form of energy flows through them, which is enormous to handle for an ordinary being, they go to some state of mind in which they do not feel themselves. For some people, after performing pooja, such energy flow comes. For some, they experience it when they have strong emotions.
Because, performing rituals or reciting slokas increases the positive energy vibrations around you. All slokas in our religion, are all having only positive words and meanings. There is not a single cry or negative word/emotion in it. So if a person recites some sloka with full concentration and dedication, he can definitely feel that positive energy around him. Even others can feel it..
The other case - During extreme emotions, may be because of some bodily reactions, they have such a different feeling that they go to some other excited state of mind. For some people, they go beyond the normal state, out of control and they do not realize who they are at that time.
In technical terms, they call it Multiple-personality disorder.
You can read here for more details on this:
What Wikipedia says about this disorder
The Skeptics Dictionary
Soo.. In such situations, what happens is they start calling themselves as God. Since such a kind of power or energy flow is accepted as unnatural, it becomes easy for them to make others believe that they are different and that God has come into them!
The thing is some people do not realize that they are doing like this. They also start believing that actually God is coming into them. Its just some energy flow. If you know how to handle such an enormous flow of energy that comes to you, you can be perfectly normal even when such a thing happens..
Many do not want to do it. Because, now others do not see it as a disease but as a blessing! So, they want to keep it with themselves. So that they can convey the message they want through a stronger means!! They can utilize the situation. They can command others! This is a kind of disease which people would not want to go..
And.. Some people, knowing what it is, fully aware of what it is, are trying to fool other people and make business out of it! They want to use the belief, people have in God. They try to use the ignorance of people and shatter their confidence on themselves. They are just cheaters and want to use the fear and other weaker emotions of people and extract wealth from them.
Basically, we all should realize that all of us are capable of realizing the God - The supreme power - The Nature - The ultimate truth - The ultimate bliss - what ever you call that as.. We all can feel God. God never shows favoritism. God never speaks through someone to us. He speaks to us directly - Through Intuition.
We all have intuitions and thoughts coming to us. But the problem is, we do not give importance to it.
What is this Intuition?
Intuition is some thought coming to us which cannot be reasoned out. It may not have some logical background.
Of course intuition comes to everyone. But.. only when it is not adulterated with our own desires, wishes, ambitions it is called intuition. Otherwise, it is just your own thought, some kind of fascination. Thats all. True intuition comes to us only when we are leading a conscious life. Only when we are in sync with Nature. Even great scientists have said that, it is the intuition which has led them to discoveries or inventions many times.
Again, the most important thing is you should not land up in cheating yourself in the name of intuitions..
Because we do not trust ourselves, we do not have the confidence on our relationship with God, we do not trust our own intuitions, we want solutions to our problems from somewhere external - from someone who calls himself as God - from someone who seems to be more confident than us - from someone who seems to be stronger.. We just want 'someone' to give us happiness.. we want someone to boost our confidence level.. we want someone to give solutions to our problems..
This is the problem! Only when we start realizing that we have the solutions for our own problems, only when we start realizing that we can feel God, only when we give proper importance to our intuitions, only when we live in sync with Nature, we can be happy..
Its all in our own hands - our own minds. We ARE absolute happiness!!
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