We say somebody is 'lucky', when we find that they have got something without exerting themselves as much as we do for the same..
But is it so? Are they really lucky in that sense?
Before I proceed, I have to say that I am strong believer in Fate and also the concept of multiple Births.
Its like, whatever we do, we have the energy of those activities around us. We will carry the results of our activity in our aura. This, we carry across our births. May be in one birth, a person struggles to find a right job. But he has not succeeded. In his next birth, the effects of those struggle and hard work will be there with him. He might get job easily without any struggle.. And we call him 'lucky'..
Also, at times, we get so frustrated that what ever we do, we do not see any results. I am sure, even in such cases, the effects of those efforts we take, will be with us - across births. If not now, may be later, may be in this birth or in the next, on one fine day when we never expect it, it will happen and surprise us. And that, I call Fate. Fate decides when to show the results.. For some, they get it immediately and for some, they do not. (May be this is what is being lucky!)
What ever we do - positive or negative, the effects are with us. Forever! And I think, this is how a person builds his Aura.. Also his 'Karma'!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Wonders of the world..
There are so many small wonders around us... It has become more common that we do not stop to say a "Wow!!".. More over, our schools have taught us the scientific facts behind them, so we say "Oh ya its like that because 2 + 2 always equals 4! Its quite natural"..
But seeing everything that we come across as a wonder makes life sooo happy.. It makes us to enjoy that moment of life..
For me, the most common miraculous thing in our daily life is Salt - Without salt we cant enjoy the food! When added to food, it miraculously changes the taste!! But we cant imagine eating it alone!
A small kid - Its a wonder! The very sight of a child makes you so happy.. You forget everything in a moment and start smiling.. Its so nice to see how it starts learning things.. how it struggles to balance and stand, how to tries to take its first step, how its trying to say something.. how it grows.. everything!
I duno why, but it makes me happy to think that even I was like that some time back and I grew up to this much big!!
And the next thing I would say is our brain - It has produced so many ideas to change the world! The imagination power, reasoning ability, creativity, planning, so many things packed in such a small stuff and that too inside our own body!
It created languages not only for men to communicate but also for man-machine to communicate! We cant see it (of course doctors can break through our skull and see it) but we are feeling it in everything we see in our life today.. The lights, train, cycle, computer, programs, table, chair and also my favorite Senseo coffee machine! I really wonder at that invention everyday!
Everything around and within us is a wonder.. And most of all our Brain is the greatest wonder bcoz, its able to see itself as a wonder!
But seeing everything that we come across as a wonder makes life sooo happy.. It makes us to enjoy that moment of life..
For me, the most common miraculous thing in our daily life is Salt - Without salt we cant enjoy the food! When added to food, it miraculously changes the taste!! But we cant imagine eating it alone!
A small kid - Its a wonder! The very sight of a child makes you so happy.. You forget everything in a moment and start smiling.. Its so nice to see how it starts learning things.. how it struggles to balance and stand, how to tries to take its first step, how its trying to say something.. how it grows.. everything!
I duno why, but it makes me happy to think that even I was like that some time back and I grew up to this much big!!
And the next thing I would say is our brain - It has produced so many ideas to change the world! The imagination power, reasoning ability, creativity, planning, so many things packed in such a small stuff and that too inside our own body!
It created languages not only for men to communicate but also for man-machine to communicate! We cant see it (of course doctors can break through our skull and see it) but we are feeling it in everything we see in our life today.. The lights, train, cycle, computer, programs, table, chair and also my favorite Senseo coffee machine! I really wonder at that invention everyday!
Everything around and within us is a wonder.. And most of all our Brain is the greatest wonder bcoz, its able to see itself as a wonder!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
How true is our world history?
How true is our world History?
First of all, how do we get to know about history?
For me, it was from school mainly and few things my parents told me..
I guess for many of us it should be from school.. But, in schools, they are going to tell us the History, in the way they want it to be. Say, in India, they would say it such a way that we feel proud of being Indian. And of course, and thats what for, the schools are!
We know the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in such a way that we feel really angry at those who did this to our nation! We still feel sad about that disaster.. I wonder how would this incident have been said in British schools! or may be they never said anything about this at all?
I think the history is modified continuously everywhere in order to create the impression they want! If every country is going to do this, slightly modify the history, for inspiring the people, then we would never get to know the true history...
The truth, is lost forever??
First of all, how do we get to know about history?
For me, it was from school mainly and few things my parents told me..
I guess for many of us it should be from school.. But, in schools, they are going to tell us the History, in the way they want it to be. Say, in India, they would say it such a way that we feel proud of being Indian. And of course, and thats what for, the schools are!
We know the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre in such a way that we feel really angry at those who did this to our nation! We still feel sad about that disaster.. I wonder how would this incident have been said in British schools! or may be they never said anything about this at all?
I think the history is modified continuously everywhere in order to create the impression they want! If every country is going to do this, slightly modify the history, for inspiring the people, then we would never get to know the true history...
The truth, is lost forever??
Diversity in India
India is truly diverse in nature! Its such a BIG country and has different languages, culture, customs, traditions through out! We have many modern and outgoing people and also, we have people who still exist in their own tiny world..
Its soo different!! It takes me a day to reach another city in India. In Netherlands, it takes me 20 minutes to reach another city!
And when I land in another city in India, even if they speak the same language, I need some time to grasp and understand it. Different accent!!
I think this diversity of India, has equipped all Indians with adaptability to live anywhere on world. Yes.. Indians are open to adjustments, open to accept or at least realize and understand that people are different .
Many people in European countries are even unaware of the existence of different kind of people with different habits. Even pure vegetarianism seems a new inexplicable concept for them. I was surprised when a lady told me, "I will order fish rice for you. You are a vegetarian? So what? you can remove the fish pieces and eat the rice!"
She said it as a fact! She did not want to make fun of me. She never understood the meaning of vegetarianism. :-)
Its because, they have all the wealth they need in their country, they never had to think about going out or making adjustments or putting effort to understand or please others, in order to live.
But, its an entirely different world for us. Whatever it is, we are able to manage it because, our nation has inculcated such an ability right from our childhood.. India is so diverse that, we can see how different people can be! We get a chance to see people of different kind in our own country, in our own city in fact!
Not to forget about the exceptions! I cannot deny the fact that there are people who are more open minded in those countries and there are people in India who do not want to accept anything other than what they like.
But I am sure, if you live in India, you can defintely learn to adjust and adapt to any environment. Proud to be an Indian, huh?
Its soo different!! It takes me a day to reach another city in India. In Netherlands, it takes me 20 minutes to reach another city!
And when I land in another city in India, even if they speak the same language, I need some time to grasp and understand it. Different accent!!
I think this diversity of India, has equipped all Indians with adaptability to live anywhere on world. Yes.. Indians are open to adjustments, open to accept or at least realize and understand that people are different .
Many people in European countries are even unaware of the existence of different kind of people with different habits. Even pure vegetarianism seems a new inexplicable concept for them. I was surprised when a lady told me, "I will order fish rice for you. You are a vegetarian? So what? you can remove the fish pieces and eat the rice!"
She said it as a fact! She did not want to make fun of me. She never understood the meaning of vegetarianism. :-)
Its because, they have all the wealth they need in their country, they never had to think about going out or making adjustments or putting effort to understand or please others, in order to live.
But, its an entirely different world for us. Whatever it is, we are able to manage it because, our nation has inculcated such an ability right from our childhood.. India is so diverse that, we can see how different people can be! We get a chance to see people of different kind in our own country, in our own city in fact!
Not to forget about the exceptions! I cannot deny the fact that there are people who are more open minded in those countries and there are people in India who do not want to accept anything other than what they like.
But I am sure, if you live in India, you can defintely learn to adjust and adapt to any environment. Proud to be an Indian, huh?
Recognizing Talents around us..
How many of us recognize and praise or encourage the people around us with good talents? It could be anything.. Dancing, Singing, Talking, Writing, Playing .. Anything!!
If I say that someone is dancing good, does that mean that I cannot dance good?
May be I know dancing and I dance better. Or I am trying to dance like that person. Or, I know nothing about dance!! What ever it is, recognizing others talent does not reflect anything about my level on that...
Even if I cannot dance well, cant I accept that someone else is dancing well? Its just a fact that she/he is dancing good. Thats all.
And only when we start accepting that, can we put effort to improve our level. Else we just start trying to find out some reasons to prove that we are good or better than others. Even if we know that it is not so.. Here is where we start cheating ourselves.
So.. its always better to accept the facts as they are and try to go to the next step.. Just recognize the true talents around us. Try to encourage them. It will in fact help us to bring healthy competition for us. It will help you bring out 'our' best.
When we realize and recognize that someone /something else is good, it shows our openness and the real interest we have on the subject. It does not mean that we are no good.
Basically, what I feel is being open and confident on one's self will always lead to the pathway of success.
If I say that someone is dancing good, does that mean that I cannot dance good?
May be I know dancing and I dance better. Or I am trying to dance like that person. Or, I know nothing about dance!! What ever it is, recognizing others talent does not reflect anything about my level on that...
Even if I cannot dance well, cant I accept that someone else is dancing well? Its just a fact that she/he is dancing good. Thats all.
And only when we start accepting that, can we put effort to improve our level. Else we just start trying to find out some reasons to prove that we are good or better than others. Even if we know that it is not so.. Here is where we start cheating ourselves.
So.. its always better to accept the facts as they are and try to go to the next step.. Just recognize the true talents around us. Try to encourage them. It will in fact help us to bring healthy competition for us. It will help you bring out 'our' best.
When we realize and recognize that someone /something else is good, it shows our openness and the real interest we have on the subject. It does not mean that we are no good.
Basically, what I feel is being open and confident on one's self will always lead to the pathway of success.
Monday, January 7, 2008
God talks to you!
Can God come into someone and give blessings to everyone? And talk to everyone? And predict future? or Do something unnatural and extra-ordinary?
I am not a disbeliever of God. I do believe in God's existence. But what I disagree is God coming into someone (especially who does lots of Pooja) and God speaking through that someone to others, blessing others through that someone, etc., etc.,.
At times, I feel like laughing at them. Some of these people are actually innocent and some, are really dangerous!! Some do it believing that the God actually comes into them.. Some do it to make others believe, that they are God.
But what ever it i
s, it is not a thing to be encouraged.
Think about it.. God is Omni-present! He is everywhere. You can feel him through the smile of an innocent child.. through the touch of the flowers.. through the sight of a pure due drop.. You can feel him through the kindness and love of another fellow being. Its so simple! He is everywhere around us.. Then why would he go to someone in particular????
Nobody is special to God! Everyone is equal to God. In fact many say we are all kids to God. Then why favoritism? Why would God choose only few of his children to communicate to the others??
I feel there should be something else going on behind this!
Observe carefully when these people are saying that they are possessed by God. When they are helpless? extremely angry? extremely sorrow? some kind of extreme emotions?
Or, after doing some Pooja? After performing some meditation?
I think it happens like this - when some form of energy flows through them, which is enormous to handle for an ordinary being, they go to some state of mind in which they do not feel themselves. For some people, after performing pooja, such energy flow comes. For some, they experience it when they have strong emotions.
Because, performing rituals or reciting slokas increases the positive energy vibrations around you. All slokas in our religion, are all having only positive words and meanings. There is not a single cry or negative word/emotion in it. So if a person recites some sloka with full concentration and dedication, he can definitely feel that positive energy around him. Even others can feel it..
The other case - During extreme emotions, may be because of some bodily reactions, they have such a different feeling that they go to some other excited state of mind. For some people, they go beyond the normal state, out of control and they do not realize who they are at that time.
In technical terms, they call it Multiple-personality disorder.
You can read here for more details on this:
What Wikipedia says about this disorder
The Skeptics Dictionary
Soo.. In such situations, what happens is they start calling themselves as God. Since such a kind of power or energy flow is accepted as unnatural, it becomes easy for them to make others believe that they are different and that God has come into them!
The thing is some people do not realize that they are doing like this. They also start believing that actually God is coming into them. Its just some energy flow. If you know how to handle such an enormous flow of energy that comes to you, you can be perfectly normal even when such a thing happens..
Many do not want to do it. Because, now others do not see it as a disease but as a blessing! So, they want to keep it with themselves. So that they can convey the message they want through a stronger means!! They can utilize the situation. They can command others! This is a kind of disease which people would not want to go..
And.. Some people, knowing what it is, fully aware of what it is, are trying to fool other people and make business out of it! They want to use the belief, people have in God. They try to use the ignorance of people and shatter their confidence on themselves. They are just cheaters and want to use the fear and other weaker emotions of people and extract wealth from them.
Basically, we all should realize that all of us are capable of realizing the God - The supreme power - The Nature - The ultimate truth - The ultimate bliss - what ever you call that as.. We all can feel God. God never shows favoritism. God never speaks through someone to us. He speaks to us directly - Through Intuition.
We all have intuitions and thoughts coming to us. But the problem is, we do not give importance to it.
What is this Intuition?
Intuition is some thought coming to us which cannot be reasoned out. It may not have some logical background.
Of course intuition comes to everyone. But.. only when it is not adulterated with our own desires, wishes, ambitions it is called intuition. Otherwise, it is just your own thought, some kind of fascination. Thats all. True intuition comes to us only when we are leading a conscious life. Only when we are in sync with Nature. Even great scientists have said that, it is the intuition which has led them to discoveries or inventions many times.
Again, the most important thing is you should not land up in cheating yourself in the name of intuitions..
Because we do not trust ourselves, we do not have the confidence on our relationship with God, we do not trust our own intuitions, we want solutions to our problems from somewhere external - from someone who calls himself as God - from someone who seems to be more confident than us - from someone who seems to be stronger.. We just want 'someone' to give us happiness.. we want someone to boost our confidence level.. we want someone to give solutions to our problems..
This is the problem! Only when we start realizing that we have the solutions for our own problems, only when we start realizing that we can feel God, only when we give proper importance to our intuitions, only when we live in sync with Nature, we can be happy..
Its all in our own hands - our own minds. We ARE absolute happiness!!
I am not a disbeliever of God. I do believe in God's existence. But what I disagree is God coming into someone (especially who does lots of Pooja) and God speaking through that someone to others, blessing others through that someone, etc., etc.,.
At times, I feel like laughing at them. Some of these people are actually innocent and some, are really dangerous!! Some do it believing that the God actually comes into them.. Some do it to make others believe, that they are God.
But what ever it i

Think about it.. God is Omni-present! He is everywhere. You can feel him through the smile of an innocent child.. through the touch of the flowers.. through the sight of a pure due drop.. You can feel him through the kindness and love of another fellow being. Its so simple! He is everywhere around us.. Then why would he go to someone in particular????
Nobody is special to God! Everyone is equal to God. In fact many say we are all kids to God. Then why favoritism? Why would God choose only few of his children to communicate to the others??
I feel there should be something else going on behind this!
Observe carefully when these people are saying that they are possessed by God. When they are helpless? extremely angry? extremely sorrow? some kind of extreme emotions?
Or, after doing some Pooja? After performing some meditation?
I think it happens like this - when some form of energy flows through them, which is enormous to handle for an ordinary being, they go to some state of mind in which they do not feel themselves. For some people, after performing pooja, such energy flow comes. For some, they experience it when they have strong emotions.
Because, performing rituals or reciting slokas increases the positive energy vibrations around you. All slokas in our religion, are all having only positive words and meanings. There is not a single cry or negative word/emotion in it. So if a person recites some sloka with full concentration and dedication, he can definitely feel that positive energy around him. Even others can feel it..
The other case - During extreme emotions, may be because of some bodily reactions, they have such a different feeling that they go to some other excited state of mind. For some people, they go beyond the normal state, out of control and they do not realize who they are at that time.
In technical terms, they call it Multiple-personality disorder.
You can read here for more details on this:
What Wikipedia says about this disorder
The Skeptics Dictionary
Soo.. In such situations, what happens is they start calling themselves as God. Since such a kind of power or energy flow is accepted as unnatural, it becomes easy for them to make others believe that they are different and that God has come into them!
The thing is some people do not realize that they are doing like this. They also start believing that actually God is coming into them. Its just some energy flow. If you know how to handle such an enormous flow of energy that comes to you, you can be perfectly normal even when such a thing happens..
Many do not want to do it. Because, now others do not see it as a disease but as a blessing! So, they want to keep it with themselves. So that they can convey the message they want through a stronger means!! They can utilize the situation. They can command others! This is a kind of disease which people would not want to go..
And.. Some people, knowing what it is, fully aware of what it is, are trying to fool other people and make business out of it! They want to use the belief, people have in God. They try to use the ignorance of people and shatter their confidence on themselves. They are just cheaters and want to use the fear and other weaker emotions of people and extract wealth from them.
Basically, we all should realize that all of us are capable of realizing the God - The supreme power - The Nature - The ultimate truth - The ultimate bliss - what ever you call that as.. We all can feel God. God never shows favoritism. God never speaks through someone to us. He speaks to us directly - Through Intuition.
We all have intuitions and thoughts coming to us. But the problem is, we do not give importance to it.
What is this Intuition?
Intuition is some thought coming to us which cannot be reasoned out. It may not have some logical background.
Of course intuition comes to everyone. But.. only when it is not adulterated with our own desires, wishes, ambitions it is called intuition. Otherwise, it is just your own thought, some kind of fascination. Thats all. True intuition comes to us only when we are leading a conscious life. Only when we are in sync with Nature. Even great scientists have said that, it is the intuition which has led them to discoveries or inventions many times.
Again, the most important thing is you should not land up in cheating yourself in the name of intuitions..
Because we do not trust ourselves, we do not have the confidence on our relationship with God, we do not trust our own intuitions, we want solutions to our problems from somewhere external - from someone who calls himself as God - from someone who seems to be more confident than us - from someone who seems to be stronger.. We just want 'someone' to give us happiness.. we want someone to boost our confidence level.. we want someone to give solutions to our problems..
This is the problem! Only when we start realizing that we have the solutions for our own problems, only when we start realizing that we can feel God, only when we give proper importance to our intuitions, only when we live in sync with Nature, we can be happy..
Its all in our own hands - our own minds. We ARE absolute happiness!!
Friday, January 4, 2008
Making Business out of Everything!
Why do people do this?
Make Business out of everything?
Terrorism - If somebody is killed, news papers gives a lot of different stories about that.. The best thrilling story - whether true or not! makes more money! People have started using even 'Death' as a reason to make out money!
Disasters - If some place is hit by Tsunami, even for that, people will start creating stupid stories around it and then invite everyone for anti-tsunami prayers, fund raising, etc. etc. How many of these fund raising actually is used for the mentioned purpose?
These are done just to escape tax??
God - I think this is the most misused 'subject' for earning money! People are constructing temples, ashrams, homes, etc in the name of God just for the sake of earning money! Just of the sake acquiring fame and power!
This will ultimately reflect in the core principles of human kind!The belief that people have on their lives, the belief with which they live - everything will be shattered! Its like killing Human kind! Burying the core values and principles of human kind!
Yoga classes - I really dont like some of these modern day yoga classes. Which tells you how to be "Good". How to do good to others. You cannot cultivate "goodness" in someone by telling them how good people react to situations. You cannot become good by imitating someone. You cannot become good because someone else wants you to be good! Basically, they are teaching you how to "act" like good people by clearly explaining what are the traits of good people, how they react to situations, how they smile, how they walk, how they talk, etc.,
Goodness should come from within. You should feel it within you. Then only can you express it - bring it to the outside world. Others can feel it. Here again may be not everyone can feel it!
Yoga - union with supreme bliss. You achieve that by doing various exercises which brings discipline in your body. Controlling your prana, emotions, etc. You purify your body at the subconscious level by controlling your prana.. and there are many more in this which are beyond my knowledge now. So basically yoga helps you to purify your mind, body and soul and you automatically become good. I mean, you dont even focus on being good. It just happens..
But these modern day yoga teachers, they teach you few exercises (These few exercises also, they do not know whether you are doing it the right way! They have so many students and they cannot concentrate on you!!) and they lecture about how you should "act" like good people. Its like as thought they can bring something divine from somewhere and externally fix it on your face!! The worst part is people start believing that they have become good because they are doing good as their masters have said! But, just acting on the superficial layer is not going to be of any help! Trying to cheat one's self in order to attract more business!!
I can only laugh at these who try to fool themselves..
Not only these.. The list goes on.. Politics, Sports, Arts, Disease, Religion, etc, etc,. Its Endless!! Anything that comes on the way.. People can use it for making money.
Should I say people are very intelligent these days?
Or people are going mad to believe everything without thinking rationally?
Make Business out of everything?
Terrorism - If somebody is killed, news papers gives a lot of different stories about that.. The best thrilling story - whether true or not! makes more money! People have started using even 'Death' as a reason to make out money!
Disasters - If some place is hit by Tsunami, even for that, people will start creating stupid stories around it and then invite everyone for anti-tsunami prayers, fund raising, etc. etc. How many of these fund raising actually is used for the mentioned purpose?
These are done just to escape tax??
God - I think this is the most misused 'subject' for earning money! People are constructing temples, ashrams, homes, etc in the name of God just for the sake of earning money! Just of the sake acquiring fame and power!
This will ultimately reflect in the core principles of human kind!The belief that people have on their lives, the belief with which they live - everything will be shattered! Its like killing Human kind! Burying the core values and principles of human kind!
Yoga classes - I really dont like some of these modern day yoga classes. Which tells you how to be "Good". How to do good to others. You cannot cultivate "goodness" in someone by telling them how good people react to situations. You cannot become good by imitating someone. You cannot become good because someone else wants you to be good! Basically, they are teaching you how to "act" like good people by clearly explaining what are the traits of good people, how they react to situations, how they smile, how they walk, how they talk, etc.,
Goodness should come from within. You should feel it within you. Then only can you express it - bring it to the outside world. Others can feel it. Here again may be not everyone can feel it!
Yoga - union with supreme bliss. You achieve that by doing various exercises which brings discipline in your body. Controlling your prana, emotions, etc. You purify your body at the subconscious level by controlling your prana.. and there are many more in this which are beyond my knowledge now. So basically yoga helps you to purify your mind, body and soul and you automatically become good. I mean, you dont even focus on being good. It just happens..
But these modern day yoga teachers, they teach you few exercises (These few exercises also, they do not know whether you are doing it the right way! They have so many students and they cannot concentrate on you!!) and they lecture about how you should "act" like good people. Its like as thought they can bring something divine from somewhere and externally fix it on your face!! The worst part is people start believing that they have become good because they are doing good as their masters have said! But, just acting on the superficial layer is not going to be of any help! Trying to cheat one's self in order to attract more business!!
I can only laugh at these who try to fool themselves..
Not only these.. The list goes on.. Politics, Sports, Arts, Disease, Religion, etc, etc,. Its Endless!! Anything that comes on the way.. People can use it for making money.
Should I say people are very intelligent these days?
Or people are going mad to believe everything without thinking rationally?
Right and Wrong..

What is this Right and Wrong? Where lies the origin of these words?
When do we say something is right ? or something is wrong? On what basis?
If some terrorist kills somebody or some mass of people, we can simple say that it is wrong. But again, as far as he is concerned, he has his own reasons for doing it and he says its right! Are we to accept this?
We framed Rules and Laws, Courts of Justice, Bar councils with Lawyers to argue for what is right and wrong.. Who framed these initial rules? These initial laws? On what basis?
One thing is clear! If all rules and laws are framed such that everyone accepts it, no terrorists would have come into place. Which means, there might be someone or some people all the time who will feel that the "general right thing" is "wrong". Or the "general wrong thing" is right. Which means there can be no "Universal right thing"??
- In every day life, are we all doing right things?
- How many people feel that what we do is wrong?
- Are we to decide about right and wrong based on how many people accept it?
- What if many people are wrong? Like many people thought Earth was flat! They hit him with stones when he said its round! Are we to loose our ideas then?
Why should you not have something in your mind which you strongly feel as right? Whats wrong with that?
Nothing! There is nothing wrong with that. Provided, that does not hurt anyone.
Now.. If someone gets hurt unnecessarily? I mean, they are so weak or expect too much and get hurt??
I cant help it! I am not responsible for anyone!!
So.. what is the line? where is the line of discretion? How much should you think about hurting and not hurting others? How much should you think about how many are accepting your ideas?
Its difficult. But, if you are leading a conscious life (BTW, whats this conscious life?) , I think it could be easier..
Without intentionally hurting anyone, we can go ahead with our ideas if we feel they are right for us, for that situation.
Yes. Situation! Right and Wrong continuously vary w.r.t Time, Place, People, Culture, Generation, Situation.. What say?
Thursday, January 3, 2008
"Gods must be Crazy"
Another movie that I watched recently - "Gods must be Crazy"!
We created our own world.. We changed our environment. We invented and discovered lots of things to "ease" our lives!! Are we at ease? I think we basically complicated our lives!
Its so funny - we have schools also to teach us for 12 years about what we have done to ourselves and our environment. About what someone else has perceived about this world. About what someone else has done to this Earth. And after that schooling, the more innovative people will figure out how to change or adapt our environment to suit our way of living... How to change our lifestyle.. How to make it "easy"!
And it was really hard to believe that there are still some people like the ones shown in the movie - in Kalahari who are unaware of the existence of the modern world.
I liked the way they were described! There is no such thing called 'guilty' in their language. How innocent and pure they are!!
These people are in their own world without knowing anything. They don't even wear dress. They don't go to school. They don't learn Maths, Physics, Chemistry, etc, etc, etc. We learn all these without knowing why we are learning! Without knowing when we are going to use them! They do not know what is money!! They do not know about Employment! They do not know office, schools, cars, cycle, bottle.. They do not know anything which doesn't belong to Nature!!
Seeing them I felt Ignorance is bliss!!
We created our own world.. We changed our environment. We invented and discovered lots of things to "ease" our lives!! Are we at ease? I think we basically complicated our lives!
Its so funny - we have schools also to teach us for 12 years about what we have done to ourselves and our environment. About what someone else has perceived about this world. About what someone else has done to this Earth. And after that schooling, the more innovative people will figure out how to change or adapt our environment to suit our way of living... How to change our lifestyle.. How to make it "easy"!
And it was really hard to believe that there are still some people like the ones shown in the movie - in Kalahari who are unaware of the existence of the modern world.
I liked the way they were described! There is no such thing called 'guilty' in their language. How innocent and pure they are!!
These people are in their own world without knowing anything. They don't even wear dress. They don't go to school. They don't learn Maths, Physics, Chemistry, etc, etc, etc. We learn all these without knowing why we are learning! Without knowing when we are going to use them! They do not know what is money!! They do not know about Employment! They do not know office, schools, cars, cycle, bottle.. They do not know anything which doesn't belong to Nature!!
Seeing them I felt Ignorance is bliss!!
World beyond peception..
After watching the movie Da Vinci Code, he asked me - so, what do feel about the movie? Can you find some learning point?
I said "yaa.. One thing I could see is there is always a world beyond our perception!".
We tend to limit our definition of world based on what we see. We draw some boundary and be happy within. Some have smaller and some have a bit larger! Not a big difference actually.. All of us tend to limit it!
One day you say something and the next day your opinion changes.. Someone says something and it is disproved some other day.. You perceive something in one angle, someone perceives it entirely differently.. He says Jesus had wife.. It surprised me when somebody told me Bharathiyar was on drugs and he wrote beautiful poems only after having drugs! Its soo hard to believe that Lord Krishna did so many things for the sake of Devas. So many things which can be seen as injustice to Rakshas.. It might be even more harder to see the actual meaning of what the Sivlingam means..
Our opinions get updated as we grow.. As our knowledge base grows.. Of course! Its only for those who are open to update their knowledge base.
There are people who are very happy within their world. They dont want to come out. They are not ready to see what reality says.. what is there. Their life is simple. But limited! You need to make a conscious decision on whether to be happy with limited knowledge or to spread across a vast expanse and just see what ever comes on the way!
So.. ultimately, your opinions change drastically from where it started. The more we become open, we can see more. We learn more. What for? Why should you learn? How is it going to change your life? May be we become open for accepting new things and respecting others.
Again it is the step towards learning more.. Where does it going to lead me? To the truth? To the Wisdom? Is a lifetime enough to find out the truth like this?
Our knowledge is limited! There is always something beyond our perception and knowledge..
I said "yaa.. One thing I could see is there is always a world beyond our perception!".
We tend to limit our definition of world based on what we see. We draw some boundary and be happy within. Some have smaller and some have a bit larger! Not a big difference actually.. All of us tend to limit it!
One day you say something and the next day your opinion changes.. Someone says something and it is disproved some other day.. You perceive something in one angle, someone perceives it entirely differently.. He says Jesus had wife.. It surprised me when somebody told me Bharathiyar was on drugs and he wrote beautiful poems only after having drugs! Its soo hard to believe that Lord Krishna did so many things for the sake of Devas. So many things which can be seen as injustice to Rakshas.. It might be even more harder to see the actual meaning of what the Sivlingam means..
Our opinions get updated as we grow.. As our knowledge base grows.. Of course! Its only for those who are open to update their knowledge base.
There are people who are very happy within their world. They dont want to come out. They are not ready to see what reality says.. what is there. Their life is simple. But limited! You need to make a conscious decision on whether to be happy with limited knowledge or to spread across a vast expanse and just see what ever comes on the way!
So.. ultimately, your opinions change drastically from where it started. The more we become open, we can see more. We learn more. What for? Why should you learn? How is it going to change your life? May be we become open for accepting new things and respecting others.
Again it is the step towards learning more.. Where does it going to lead me? To the truth? To the Wisdom? Is a lifetime enough to find out the truth like this?
Our knowledge is limited! There is always something beyond our perception and knowledge..
My Blog..
Alaas.. I have created this Blog. I have been wondering why I need such a thing...
But now I created this in the hope that I can keep this blog active and express things that are there within!
I have lots of thoughts going on in my mind.. Like some kind of background process! They are always on! Whether I am busy or not.. So many things!! At times, it becomes difficult for me to comprehend them.. May be when I try to put them here, I might organize them internally as well..
Through this blog I am just sharing all the thoughts, realizations and discoveries sprouted in my mind..
But now I created this in the hope that I can keep this blog active and express things that are there within!
I have lots of thoughts going on in my mind.. Like some kind of background process! They are always on! Whether I am busy or not.. So many things!! At times, it becomes difficult for me to comprehend them.. May be when I try to put them here, I might organize them internally as well..
Through this blog I am just sharing all the thoughts, realizations and discoveries sprouted in my mind..
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